“Life abounds with opportunities – it is whether we want to make the most of them”. These are the words our fearless leader, Dato’ V. RadhaKrishnan, lives by and it has served him well. A man who needs no introduction, Dato’ RadhaKrishnan, has led this organisation from its humble beginnings to now becoming a company synonymous with the sports, fitness and outdoor industry. A man of a few words, Dato’ RadhaKrishnan, today holds high positions on various sports bodies locally making him a man of many talents. But his one true passion lies in business. Dato RadhaKrishnan believes strongly that hard work and passion is what has attributed to his many successes and he relentlessly instils this into his employees whom he endearingly considers to be like his own family. His virtues and integrity sets him apart from others but his calm and friendly demeanor makes him approachable to many. This savvy individual has been through many ups and downs, but through this adversity, he self proclaims, has made him stronger and unwilling to quit until he has brought this company to the pinnacle of its success.

Former national bodybuilder Dato’ Abdul Malek Noor has won many accolades, including the Mr Asia crown six times and has had the honour of being inducted into the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) Hall of Fame. Dato’ Malek, who was the 1986 Sportsman of the Year, was one of the 10 sports personalities, honoured during the Coca-Cola Olympian of the Year in 2007. He is currently the executive director of Universal Fitness and Leisure (UFL) and sits on the board of UFL’s subsidiaries as well.