Frequently Asked Questions
One of the most common questions that we get is “Does it really work?” The answer is yes, Power Plate is used by world class athletes like Serena Williams, F1 race car drivers, PGA golfers, NFL players and everyday folks.
No, our products are designed for everyone. Power Plate is used by folks in their 70’s looking for a light 10 minute exercise to tennis world champions who require intense training.
The vibrations are not overpowering or aggressive. They are specially designed to assist with training without being uncomfortable or painful.
No, we designed it so that it is not annoyingly loud. The Power Plate is remarkably quiet and designed for home use.

ufl@ufl.com.my | cigi@ufl.com.my

03-6275 9544

Wisma UFL, 5, Jalan KIP 3,Taman Perindustrian KIP, Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur