UFL Outdoor Camping & Hiking Equipment
Heading out and facing the unpredictable outdoors of Malaysia can be nerve-wrecking for some which is why having the right equipment to take on the adventure is the appropriate first step to make beforehand. If you are keen on an exciting outdoor camping trip, or even a rough hiking experience, then essentially you would need a good quality rucksack, reliable tools and trusted equipment. Although to some, these outdoor equipment might be fairly obvious to bring but ensuring that is the perfect fit and of the best quality for you can make a big difference. At our UFL showrooms, our in-store experts are happy to not only offer free fitting services, but will make sure the right kit for you will be your adventure companions for many years.
UFL is the exclusive distributor of many established international outdoor brands namely, Deuter, Camelbak, Igloo, Leatherman, Coghlan’s, Lifestraw, Buck Knives, Maglite, etc. which beside our own showrooms, we also distribute the said brands extensively to more than 300 satisfied customers nationwide with quality, innovative and value for money products.
If you are interested in becoming an authorized dealer for our products, we will be pleased to advise and assist you to further enhance your business opportunities by providing your esteem organization with an extensive range of outdoor product mix and marketing support to drive your growth objectives.

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